Our Team
We don’t just make the world’s finest aromatic sports scents...we are also strength and conditioning coaches, and competitive athletes as well.
Michelle Mazulis (Head of Operations and Logistics)
Currently an NPL International Referee
Formerly an IPL International Referee (Since Jan, ‘23).
Has been a certified ref with the USPA/IPL for the past 6 years
Served on the USPA Executive Committee (until Feb, 1, 2024)
Currently the only NPL meet director in New Mexico
Formerly the only USPA meet director in New Mexico
Has directed over 25 meets
Was the USPA Masters National champion in the 148lb division (5 years running)
Was the IPL Masters World champion in the 148lb division for the past 5 years
Is currently the Open and Masters NPL National Champion in
the 165 lb classHas worked in Law Enforcement, Office Management and Military Logistics
Education: BA in Accounting, MS in Psychology, MS in Sports Psychology
John Skelton (Head of Marketing and Communications)
National and world-level masters bench press competitor in the 125 kg class
Currently an International Referee with the NPL
Formerly an International Referee with the IPL (Since 2018)
Formerly a USPA National and State level Referee
Former New Mexico State powerlifting chairman
Former New Mexico State powerlifting meet director
Owner of Skelton & Associates, a certified training company covering Python, SQL, Web Development, and Adobe software
Education: BA in Journalism and Political Science, and a Master of Science in Education
Jon Marshall (Head of Production)
Currently an NPL National Referee
Formerly an IPL National Referee (Since Jan, ‘12)
Head Coach for Team Unbreakable: Powerlifting, Strongman, Highland Games, & Bodybuilding
Has Coached athletes to more than 500 national and 120 world records
Owner of Unbreakable Gear
Powerlifting competitor for over 40 years
Has been a National Champion 25 times over 5 federations
2019 Mr. Olympia Bronze Powerlifting Medalist
Education: BS in Exercise Science, NSCA Certified, CSCS, DVRT, CST, CYS, FCS
Collin Rhodes (Head of Stategy and Growth)
Currently an NPL International Referee
Previously an IPL International Referee since 2018
Has been a certified referee with the USPA/IPL for over 17 years
Formerly the USPA New Mexico State Chairman
Served on the ADFPA Executive Committee in the late 90’s
Currently ranked #1 All-Time, All-Federation for Classic Raw 242lb, M55 Division
Has directed or co-directed over 30 meets
Started competing in powerlifting in 1983 (unsanctioned HS meet)
Won first National Title in 1997 (ADFPA Lifetime Nationals Winner)
Holds multiple National and World titles in Multiple organizations (ADFPA, USAPL, USPF, NASA, USPA, WRP, AAU)
Has refereed in 3 different federations. (ADFPA/USAPL, USPF/IPL, Powerlifting America)
Currently CEO for a Renewable Energy Company
Education: BS in Mech. Eng., MS in Eng. Mgmt., & PE License
Steve Welch (Founder and Advisor)
Steve is “Old School”... which should be fairly self explanatory
What you see is what you get with Steve
When he sees a need in his community, strength sports in general, or the world around him, Steve steps in to lend a hand.
Steve founded Skull Smash in 2015
Is a competitive Powerlifter, and has won State Championships in the USAPL, National Championships in the ADFPF, and World Championships in the WDFPF
Has been a strength and conditioning coach and trainer since 1997
Is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist through the NSCA since 2004
Owns Max Effort Strength and Conditioning gym since 2011
Has been a fitness professional since 1998